maandag 26 september 2011

Episode 0: Introducing myself, my race my home

This is a story about an alien race. Well, for you humans it's an alien race, for me it's my race. Well anyway, I think I'd better be more clear.

I'll start by Introducing myself: My name is Asong Delanas, I'm an Elf, 4635 years old, born and raised in Santhariones, capital city of the Santharion

My race is closer to yours than you might think. We both originate from the first intelligent species in the whole universe: the Primares. There is a third race that has come forth from that species, and they're called the Time Lords. Unforunately, all of them died in the Last Great Time War, except for one, maybe two survivors. But that is another story.

Us Elves first lived on the planet Venus, that we called Santharion. Because we lived so close to the sun, our existance has become based on several types of radiation from the sun. We no longer live on Venus though. Another race, called the Weeping Angels, attacked us and chased us of our planet. We fled, and used our supernatural abilities to create a parallel world, a huge crystal orb, the exact same size of your sun, and we live inside it still. This orb, this parallel world, is called Santharion II. Nowadays simply Santharion. To give us power, we placed a portal at the center of each star in the universe, wich constantly grants us power. This energy source we called the Sylarphrex, which means 'Well of Suns' or 'SunWell' in your language.

Us elves also have unique abilties above all other species. First, we have an extremely long lifespan, which can vary between 10.000 and a million years. Secondly, because our existance is based on unfiltered UV and Gamma-radiation, there is no nuclear power in the whole wide universe, except perhaps for the Black Radiation from a Dark Star. We are also very resistant to heat and cold, surviving anything between -150 and +300 degrees Centegrade. Because our nerve system can channel energy, we are able to lift things of the ground without touching them and stuff like that. Also we can break the minds of other beings, and our own minds are very strong. We have one great weakness: Lead. Lead blocks out our radiation, and thereby our lifeforce, slowly killing us and causing us extreme pain. The first thing you learn from your parents as en elf is: Lead means Dead. 

Now then, that was our race. I'd better tell something about myself. I'm exactly one metre eighty, quite average size for an Elf. I've got long, pointed ears, hexagon shaped purple eyes and a nice dark tint of skin. I am the son of the High Elven King, Asong Klerapis. Being the prince, I have rights the other Elves don't have. I will be trained to become an Elven Agent. Hiding on earth, as a human being, and sending information to my home, for us to understand our related species better.

I will tell you the story of how I came to be a time agent, and all the missions I was sent on.
May the light of the Sylarphrex guide you.

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